E-Commerce Websites Marketing - A Driving Force
The e-Commerce industry in the UK is a powerful force, a force that is set to gain even more strength in the coming years. Recent research suggests that, by 2015, the industry will have more than doubled its amount of employees, causing the workforce to swell to the staggering total of 1.5 million. Present figures show that 730,000 people are currently employed within the internet retail sector.
The study was carried out by IMRG (Interactive Media in Retail Group) and eDigitalResearch and suggests that at least 60% of online businesses will be taking on new employees in 2013. The chief executive of IMRG, James Roper, mentioned that the UK is the European e-retail leader and commented that the continued growth of internet-based jobs was particularly welcome during a period when unemployment figures are generally rising. He also described how many of the newly-created jobs were well paid and the skills being developed were helping Britain to maintain its enviable reputation in the highly-competitive global online market.
The director of the online research specialist eDigitalResearch, Chris Russell, highlighted the increasing popularity of smartphones as part of the reason the industry is thriving so well. He explained that retailers were beginning to combine their multiple departments and aspects, creating a coherent message right across the board. Shifting consumer trends were also mentioned by Chris as he explained how the e-Commerce market was continuing to evolve.
One part of the study involved asking retailers how much of their revenue was made on the internet. 42.24% said that the figure was up to half of their total take but an astonishing 41.08% said that between 91%-100% of their income is made via the internet.
Clearly, it is essential for any business to maintain an attractive, easily-navigable and informative website. The staggering growth in e-Commerce reflects our increasing use of the internet, particularly on the move. Smartphones and tablets now play a major part in business and companies who neglect to have a strong online presence are likely to be left behind.
Brickweb provide a world-class custom web design service. As the premier digital agency in Lancashire, our bespoke service encompasses all aspects of the internet, including essential e-Commerce websites marketing; we remain at the forefront of technological developments such as Retina/HD and continue to be an innovative, practical and dependable web design company. For more information on e-Commerce and how Brickweb web design Lancashire can help you to create a profitable website for your business, please contact a member of our expert team.