How Do You Optimise Photos?

It’s widely spoken about that in relation to internet marketing then unique, engaging and fresh content is everything! But have you thought about whether or not your photos have been optimised! Brick technology explains how you optimise photos?

There are some really simple ways in which you can optimise photos so that they will appear within the search engines and thus will help to generate more traffic to the site.

File name; cameras and other devices capable of taking a image will name your photos something like DSC123 but it doesn’t really do much in regards to Search Engine Optimisation because they have no idea what category to put this into. Try and name the image have a name which will include your keywords. For instance on our mobile apps page we have named our image “mobile Christmas app” which will now be picked up in the search engines when someone types say “mobile app” rather than DSC123.

Alt Text; this is very important because it is what search engines use in order to determine what the image shows. Search engines do not have eyes so they cannot see the image they need to know what the image content is. Without image Alt Text then the search engines find it difficult to interpret and therefore categorise the image. Within the description for the Alt Text you should use descriptive keywords.

Title Attribute; is the title what shows up when you hover your mouse over the image on the site. This can contain additional information but for the most part it is simply the name of the image which will show here.

Keywords and Phrases; these must be included in the text and this goes without saying however you need to ensure that these are placed in the text of the landing page, news item or press release, you should then mention the keywords in the file name of the photo, alt and title attributes and ensure that they all support the same goal.

Ensure that everything interlinks and works together in harmony not as a miss match. Brick technology web design has a highly qualified internet marketing team who are on hand to help with all your search engine optimisation requirements.

For more information and to discuss your strategy today then please contact us on 01254 277190 or email

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