Mobile E-Commerce Solutions from Brick

Mobile technology has revolutionised the way people use the internet. Now available on a range of easily-portable devices such as smartphones and tablets, the internet is now accessible from anywhere and this has both opened up an entirely new market of potential customers and radically altered the buying habits of existing ones.

The Visual Networking Index (VNI), created by leading technology company Cisco, analyses and forecasts the use and growth of worldwide IP networks. Examining the dramatic growth of mobile internet and the rise of the smartphone and tablet, the VNI is an ongoing project that seeks to understand trends in this complex market. During 2011, the VNI shows that mobile data traffic increased by more than double for the fourth year running. This represented a 133% rise in mobile traffic, 2% higher than Cisco's original prediction. 12 years ago in 2000, the entire global internet was around 75 petabytes. At the end of 2011, mobile data traffic alone was 8 times higher than this at a staggering 597 petabytes. One of the most astounding figures in the VNI however is the number of internet-connected mobile devices in the world. By the end of 2012, this figure will exceed the population of the Earth and, by 2016, there will be in excess of 10billion, representing 1.4 mobile devices per capita.

This rise in the use of mobile internet has many implications for businesses who are involved with e-commerce websites marketing and actively seek customers online. Website design must be compatible with smartphones and tablets and a close eye kept on developing trends and technologies. Without this, businesses will find they lose customers as the seemingly-unstoppable rise of the mobile internet device continues: 179.7million smartphones were sold in the third quarter of 2012 alone, a 45.3% rise from the 123.7million sold in the same period of the previous year.

Brickweb provide superior e-commerce solutions to a diverse and extensive array of clients from international manufacturers and suppliers to small local businesses. Our service is a comprehensive and luxurious one, offering everything from custom web design and content provision to site management and e-commerce systems such as secure online payments.. A highly-trained, pro-active team of programmers, coders, designers, writers and technicians work directly with clients to provide a constant flow of information, providing an attractive, intuitive website which appears high in search engine results lists and thus attracts many visitors.

To find out more about how Brickweb can help your company succeed with our array of web design & development and e-commerce solutions that are designed to be flexible and adaptable to the latest technology, please contact a member of our dedicated team to arrange an obligation-free business review.

For more information on Brickweb's services and how we can help your company please call 01254 277190 or alternatively email

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