Revolutionise YOUR Print-on-Demand Business...
Brickweb has been at the forefront of web development for more than twenty years, providing world-class online services to a diverse and ever-growing array of clients. The latest innovation that has been designed and developed by our expert team is the Brick Factory, an online cloud portal aimed at companies offering print-on-demand services.
The state-of-the-art technology that powers the Brick Factory is all based in the cloud. This means that users are free to carry out operations from any internet-capable device in real time, without any reliance on installed software. Every aspect of your business can be viewed, analysed, managed and controlled from one secure, user-friendly control centre.
Business process automation is a key element of the Brick Factory, delivering impressive time- and cost-savings. Your workflow is presented on your factory dashboard, which also displays things like critical-issue alerts and statistics related to order processing. You can quickly access custom workflows for every process type and product.
The Brick Factory includes a high-tech Designer Module, which you can use to design products that can then be customised by your customers. Any images you upload are saved automatically for re-use in the future or for application to other products. A suite of advanced editing tools allows you infinite creative scope and unmatched accuracy.
Managing the financial side of any business is often the most time-consuming aspect but the Brick Factory lets you effortlessly synchronise your operations with major accounting systems like SAGE and Quickbooks. You can also sync up with popular supply chains like Pencarrie, Ralawise, BTS and PrestigeLeisure.
It's easy to integrate the Brick Factory with databases from suppliers like WooCommerce, Shopify, Amazon, eBay and Wordpress. Our unique API/CSV integration tool also lets you integrate with unique stores as well as third-party systems like Order Desk and Netsuite.
We have used industry-leading Microsoft Azure software to create an advanced AI module as part of the Brick Factory. Able to provide customers with friendly, intelligent responses to their questions, the AI module allows your business to be operational 24 hours a day.
If you want to gain a crucial edge over your competitors in the rapidly-expanding field of print-on-demand, then we invite you to book a personal demonstration of the Brick Factory. The demo will last around one hour and is provided to you free of charge and without obligation. Fill in the online form or get in touch with our customer service team to book your demo TODAY!