Time to Upgrade!
From the very beginning, Brickweb have held a strong grasp of what is required to create an effective online presence for companies involved with selling goods and services in the busy and crowded online environment. This solid foundation has been continually built upon, embracing new technologies and optimising business strategies to offer our clients some of the most effective websites available.
As the availability of online shopping has continued to rise, customers have become far more discerning in their choice of provider. Now expecting, as standard, a fully-functional website optimised for access from a variety of devices along with high-definition product images and a range of help options, customers will quickly abandon older websites in favour of those that can meet their high levels of expectation. Once a customer has been encouraged to browse the website, a range of issues such as slow page loading, complicated or insecure checkout procedures and other lacks in attention to detail can also mean that they will choose a more up-to-date provider.
The Brickweb range of website design and internet marketing services has continued to expand as technology improves and our staff constantly receive the highest levels of training. We are currently offering our existing clients the chance to upgrade the level of service they receive from us and also welcoming new clients to Brickweb. By choosing to receive a free website review and full analysis of your existing website and online strategy from us, our clients will be able to clearly see how our responsive, contemporary websites can revolutionise their business.
To book your free, no-obligation consultation and review with our talented team, please contact +44 (0)1254 277190 or email info@brickweb.co.uk.